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3 Answers

VOR Approaches

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So I'm about 38 lessons into IR. It's fun I have about 6 hours of actual logged as well. I do pretty good talking with ATC and doing the GPS approaches. Those just seem to come naturally...I use the magenta line for situation awareness more then anything else. It's the VOR approaches that get me everytime. Not sure if it's because we do it last and I'm mentally drained or what the real issue is. I recognize I start the clock at the IAF and descend down to my DA but it all seems to go amuck. Especially going missed...sure the GPS and the approach plate tells me where it is but getting back around to it I freeze. It's like I'm relieved to be back flying again and want to quit working so hard. To be specific it's the VOR18 approach into 1G0 (one golf zero) I don't know what/when to set my VOR back to VWV. We have two VOR's so I hear that is helpful but if you have words of advice I'd love to read it.

3 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Aug 01, 2013

    The missed approach procedures states “Climb to 2200 then right turn direct to VWV VOR and hold.

    The procedure would be to continue flying outbound on the VOR radial (179) while climbing up to 2,200 feet. Once you initiate a right turn, you will need to twist the VOR radial to about 010 (rough estimate). You can dine tune it by centering the needle with a TO indication. Roll out of the right turn on a 010 heading. Twist the VOR needle one more time to center the needle and then turn to that new heading. At this point, bracket for the wind (you should already know where the wind is coming from).

    I’m sure it is a typo but all VOR approaches go down to a MDA and not a DA. There are two ways to identify the missed approach point, time as you already mentioned and a DME distance.

    Try flying ILS / LOC, VOR and NDB approaches without a moving map display. It will make the approaches more difficult at first but hopefully you can learn to interpret the instruments correctly without the use of the map.

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  2. Fly92020 on Aug 02, 2013

    Wes’ answer is right-on… his best advice is the last paragraph: DON’T use your GPS/Moving Map for VOR approaches! Because of MAGVAR (real-time GPS correction for Magnetic Variation), it’s going to totally ferschmeckle you on a VOR… fly the needles (on the VOR).

    You mention you have 2 VOR’s; that will mess you up too… pick one (maybe the most accurate one), and fly that; chasing TWO needles (that close to the VOR) is no good. As Wes pointed out, it’s an MDA we descend to on a Non-Prec. (DA’s are for Precision Approaches), and the time starts at the FAF, not the IAF… Just need to get that all clear in your mind for the check ride.

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  3. Kate Knoblauch on Aug 12, 2013

    Thanks Wes. You rock. Worked like a charm. Hope you look for my latest question…

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