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7 Answers

PPC to aircraft (LSA)

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Light Sport Aircraft

Its been my dream since i was a kid to fly.  My father was in the Airforce during Vietnam, and worked for a airline for 35 years...but never could afford getting into flight myself.  However I recently discovered the light sport certification.  To finally get into the air, I registered for my first week of training for a PPC.  My instructor has told me once i'm certified with the PPC, i will be able to train in a LSA.  How hard is it to get this additional certification?  I know its a minimum of 8 hours difference, but does it require any additional testing?  Thanks for the help.

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7 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jul 20, 2013

    Once you have a PPC-Single Engine Airplane, there is no additional FAA training requirement to fly a single-engine LSA. There is no additional certification.

    One FAA exception: if the LSA is a tailwheel, you would need the tailwheel endorsement, but that’s no different than if it weren’t a LSA.

    One non-FAA exception also applies to any type airplane that you might want to fly other than the type you trained in – FBOs and their insurance companies may require a certain minimum amount of time for a checkout.

    I’m not sure where you got the 8 hours from .

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  2. joshuapc07 on Jul 20, 2013

    I had just read that its a minimum of 12 hours in a PLC but 20 in a LSA.

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  3. Mark Kolber on Jul 21, 2013

    I don’t know what you mean by “PLC.”

    Perhaps it’s some rule of the organization you are flying with, although a 12-20 hour transition into an new type single-engine airplane after one already has a private pilot certificate seems grossly out-of-whack (unless, I guess, you were transitioning from a Cessna 152 directly into into a Piper Malibu).

    Perhaps you should ask them your question. I’m guessing you misunderstood something.

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  4. joshuapc07 on Jul 21, 2013

    PPC. Auto text on my phone changed it to PLC. I start this Tuesday. I havent received any info besides researching on the internet. That’s why I wanted to ask a perfessional. I currently have 0 experience in a airplane, PPC, or anything.

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  5. Michael Stevens on Jul 23, 2013

    I think the confusion is that int the original question, by PPC the poster is refering to “Powered Parachute” not “Private Pilot Certificate”.

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  6. joshuapc07 on Jul 23, 2013

    That’s correct.

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  7. Mark Kolber on Jul 24, 2013

    Ah! No wonder I was confused about what he was asking.

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