VFR Descent -Towered/Controlled Airports
Asked by: Dan Chitty 7586 views Airspace, FAA Regulations
Scenario A: I am a VFR pilot and I have received clearance to enter Class D airspace. I plan to land at the primary airport (not satellite airport). Should I descend to traffic pattern altitude prior to entering the Class D? Or should I not descend to traffic pattern altitude until ATC issues a landing clearance (which is likely once I enter Class D)? Scenario B: I am a VFR pilot and I have received clearance to enter Class C airspace. I plan to land at the primary airport (not satellite airport). Should I not descend to traffic pattern altitude until ATC issue me a landing clearance? For both scenarios above, what is ATCs expectation and the FAA expectation when to descend to traffic pattern altitude at towered/controlled airports? If there are any specific references in the AIM or FARs please let me know. Thank you for the feedback.
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