Flight Planning
Asked by: hector rodriguez 3971 views Aircraft Systems, Airspace, Commercial Pilot, General Aviation
Hello partners. Im planning to take a ferry flight from KFXE Florida Executive all the way to SVMI Maiquetia airport Venezuela. South America. Ill be flying a Seneca 3. Ive been flying seneca two for almost 150 hours. The aircraft POH says that it has 123 us gallons or 94 gallos depending on its serial number. Im planing to take this plane all the way to maiquetia in one day. Its about 9 hours. My question is, or recomendation would you give me for this trip. Starting that the seneca has aprox 550 600nm of rage as well as 4.5 hours of range 123gal with a fuel/cons of 23 to 25 us gallons a hour. Im planning to depart at KFXE at 6 am all the way to Exuma international MYEF. It about 290nm about 2 hours of flight. 60 to 70 us gallons. After refueling full tank depart MYEF all the way to MDPP at domenican republic, its about 390nm and 3 hours of flight. then refueling all the way and fly to MDSD. Refuel again a fly to svmi its about 500nm and 3:40 hours to destination. My question is, its to dangerous to fly 500nm on open water on a seneca? what power settings its recomended as well as altitute. Not above 12500. is there any websites where i can find the winds in that day? if i get a tailwind of 5 to 10 knots how much time do ill get from that? i will just like to here your recomendations and take the best route. grettings
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