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7 Answers


Asked by: 7528 views General Aviation

Is there any reason that you can't take a CFII & MEI checkride at the same time? Also if you take the CFII in a single can you give Multiengine IPC? DeWitt

7 Answers

  1. Wes Beard on Jun 27, 2013

    The rules require you to have the category and class of aircraft on both your pilots license and instructor license.

    Once you get a CFII-Airplane and meet the above statement… You can give instrument training in either class of airplane. The airplane you received your CFII does not matter.

    Reference FAR 61.195(b)(c).

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  2. DeWitt Barker on Jun 27, 2013

    Is giving a IPC considered Flight Training?

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 27, 2013

    Good question. The IPC is a proficiency check conducted in accordance with the appropriate task table from the Instrument PTS. There is no requirement stated in the regulations for flight training to be conducted during an IPC as there is for a Flight Review. 61.195 only addresses “flight training”. I would say that logically, one could conduct an IPC with only a CFII.

    However, if you ask the question of the Legal Counsel’s office, you will likely get a response that you may not do the IPC. They have stated that you may not even give training in an FTD or Simulator.

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  5. CFI Academy on Jun 28, 2013

    A CFII (assuming he does not hold a multi-engine rating at commercial level) is authorized to train others for IR irrespective of the class of airplane, however, if the PIC (the student flying the twin) is under the hood, then he needs to have a qualified safety pilot (i.e. a qualified multi engine pilot). In other words, the CFII can not teach in a ME airplane while the student flying is under the hood, unless the CFII holds an ME rating at least at private pilot level.
    I do not see this being applicable to simulator training under part 61 or 91, if the simulator is not type specific and the training is not type rating specific.

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  6. Wes Beard on Jun 29, 2013

    CFI Academy,

    In late 2009 or early 2010 the FAA revised 61.195 to make it clear an instructor must have on his pilot and instructor certificates for the category and class airplane they are teaching in.

    In your example above, the instructor is required to have a commercial AMEL and instructor AME and IA ratings. A private AMEL rating will not work.

    This is also true while instructing in a FTD or simulator. You can lookup the Beard Interpretation on the Legal Interpretations section in the FAA website.

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  7. Mark Kolber on Jun 30, 2013

    …and a link to the Chief Counsel’s discussion of the change Wes is referring to: http://goo.gl/5ZQ2d

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