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4 Answers

UAV or UAS in the NAS.

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FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation


(This is a repost, I was having problems with the original.) 

I have heard more and more about Drones, UAS or UAVs, flying in the National Airspace System.  Over the next few years we are to see more and more of them.  As an active instructor I am intrested and concerned about this.  Does any know of any literature or docurments that speaks about this?  

I am not looking for the news articles selling or quoting stats about UAS, I have already read those.  I am looking for Regualtions, Advisorarys and Guidance.


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4 Answers

  1. Peter Milner on May 03, 2013

    I am a UK based UAV / UAS CFI, our regulations called the BNUC-S for sub 20Kg aircraft & the BNUC for 20 to 150Kg aircraft is the regulatory framework used in the UK, Mainland Europe and to more or lesser degree the ROW.

    If you would like to contact me directly so I can answer any questions you may have, please feel free to do so by email to info@phoenixuavcentre.co.uk

    Best wishes,

    Peter Milner
    Chief Flying Instructor
    Phoenix UAV Centre

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  2. Peter Milner on May 03, 2013

    I am a UK based UAV / UAS CFI. Our regulatory framework is for sub 20Kg aircraft the BNUC-S and for 20 to 150Kg aircraft the BNUC. We have been operating this very successfully in the UK, Mainland Europe and to more or lesser degree the ROW for the last three years. I would be more than happy to ansswer any questions you may have on this, please feel free to email me at info@phoenixuavcentre.co.uk

    Best wishes,

    Peter Milner
    Chief Flying Instructor
    Phoenix UAV Centre

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  3. Ernest Ortner on May 03, 2013

    UAS at this point is required to follow all the same regulations as manned. However, at the current state all UAS operations typically happen in a very controlled environment, mostly restricted airspace. The operations of UAS also requires an FAA COA outlining how they will operate and what their limitations will be. All UAS must follow “see and avoid” at this point that is through the use of spotters on the ground or chase planes. Once in restricted airspace the requirements for spotters/chase planes is alleviated. The UAS push into NAS is hinging on the ability for the UAS to easily conduct it’s own “see and avoid.” NextGen will allow controllers to keep seperation of UAS since they will no longer be waiting for a radar sweep to see aircraft movement. There are onboard radar that is being tested for UAS so they can see traffic around them, ADS-B is another avenue being explored, along with a modified system being tested that works much like TCAS.

    You will not see UAS entering NAS unescorted until the “see and avoid” problem has been solved. Until then someone, meaning radar, spotter or chase plane, will be monitoring it and the airspace around it. Currently UAS in a mixed environment is not allowed to occupy the pattern at the same time as a manned aircraft. All of the restrictions are in the particular COA for that operation, along with NOTAMs pertaining to it. If you are curious as to what the NOTAMs say take a look at the airspace surrounding KFHU.

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  4. ccwebb on May 06, 2013

    Ernest and Peter, thank you both. Ernest your information is good, the most I have heard in one sitting. The only information I can find is a very old AC discussing Model ‘RC’ Flying.

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