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6 Answers

Multi-Engine Rating

Asked by: 7016 views ,
FAA Regulations


I have a question about a multi-engine rating, and when it should be obtained.

I am a licensed Private Pilot and am currently in college working on my Instrument rating, and next fall will be obtaining my Commercial. I plan on returning home this summer to work and such, and I had an idea. Many students in my program decide to get their Multi-Engine rating away from the college (whose multi rates are astronomically high), and my idea is to get mine this summer. My question is; since I will still be a private pilot, if I get my Muti-Engine rating will I need to "re-train" (i.e. get a new/upgraded multi-engine rating) after I get my Commercial Certificate later in the Fall thus negating any savings?



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6 Answers

  1. Jeff on Mar 30, 2013

    I would get your ratings as cheap as possible (legally) and get a college degree in something other than flying. No one cares where you got your ratings unless you are in some program which gets you a guaranteed job at a regional. I still don’t think that is worth paying the extra for the schools training since you won’t make over 30K for the first 2-3 years of flying at a regional.

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  2. Jeff on Mar 30, 2013

    To answer your question specifically. Get your instrument, then multi commercial, then single engine commercial add on. In that order. You will have to take a separate multi engine check ride for your commercial even if you got a private pilot multi. Same with single engine.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Mar 30, 2013

    If you add the multi-engine this summer, you pilot certificate will list:

    Private Pilot – Airplane Single and Multiengine Land; Instrument-Airplane.

    Next fall if you obtain a single engine Commercial, your certificate will read:

    Commercial Pilot – Airplane Single Engine Land; Instrument-Airplane;
    Private Privileges – Airplane Multiengine Land

    You could still realize the savings if you wait until next summer to get the multi.

    If you have the required hours, you could also take the Commercial knowledge test, train for and take the Commercial Multiengine practical test this summer.

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  4. Matthew Waugh on Apr 01, 2013

    So you need to figure out what your motivations are (or explain them to us 🙂 ).

    The sooner you get your multi-engine rating the sooner you can start logging that holy grail of pilot time, PIC multi-engine. But only if you have access to, you know, a multi-engine aircraft. If you don’t have access to a multi-engine aircraft then all you’re doing is adding extra expense.

    Kris’s suggestion to go directly to your Commercial multi-engine is a good idea, but it’s not as trivial as it seems. the add-on is a train to proficiency, if it’s the initial you need to carefully dissect the requirements to make sure you meet them, and that you obtain the needed multi time during the training. I’m just guessing, but I suspect you’re going to find that’s a lot of flying needed.

    So if cost is the motivation – wait – get your commercial SEL and then add your commercial MEL next summer.

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  5. Cory Johnson on Apr 01, 2013

    I agree with Matthew. Get the Commercial Single / Instrument and then add the Commercial/Multi/Instrument in a simple ride. I’d definitely wait and not do it as part of the college program unless you like spending $$$

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  6. seth king on Feb 11, 2018

    How many Muti engine hours does a pilot need for a R-ATP? Can’t seem to find the answer any where…

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