My passenger crossed into a controlled movement area
Asked by: John Star 19028 views FAA Regulations
After landing at a controlled airport my passenger accidentally crossed over the Non-Movement Area Boundary. Our plane was next to the boundary, he got on the phone while I was securing the airplane (puting on the cover, writing down the time, etc, etc) and he stepped into the controlled area (an active taxiway). He was one or two steps into the taxiway when others saw him and started yelling at him. I looked up, saw where he was and asked him to step in. Airport security showed up, my passenger apologized, they took down his information, and we left.
Did I break any FARs? Explaining to my passengers what the Non-Movement Area Boundary has never been part of my brief. Actually - I had never parked so close to a controlled area (literally two or three steps after clearing the wing), so I never thought much of it.
Although Airport Security didn't initially ask for my information, I understand they later asked around for my Certificate # and Contact Information. A fellow pilot that was around a knew me gave them my contact information. Should I be expecting a call from the FAA?
This is what the non-movement area marking looks like. We were parked next to the solid line:
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