Wes Beard
Questions Asked : 6 Answers provided : 721 Received Votes : 427
I am an ATP rated pilot with CL-604, LR-JET, and LR-45 type ratings. I simply enjoy talking about aviation related topics. I gradudated from ERAU with a Masters of Aeronautical Science specializing in Advanced Aerodynamics and Aviation Safety.
Inoperative Glide Slope on ILS Approach
Asked by: Wes Beard 15024 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
What aircraft instruments are needed for a private pilot airplane single engine certificate?
Asked by: Wes Beard 13737 views Private Pilot
Why is the top left corner (Forward CG) usually cut off on a weight and balance chart?
Asked by: Wes Beard 9965 views Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems
Does a CFI have to be current to carry passengers to teach student pilots how to fly?
Asked by: Wes Beard 19624 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor