Mohammad Faruqui - Aviation Lawyer
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Mohammad Faruqui is a Florida Bar Board Certified Specialist in Aviation Law. He is based in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and services aviation clients throughout the United States, Central America, South America, the Caribbeans and elsewhere. Mr. Faruqui is a member of the Florida Bar Aviation Law Committee, the National Business Aviation Association, the National Aircraft Finance Association, the International Air Transportation Safety Bar Association, the Lawyer-Pilot Bar Association, the South Florida Business Aviation Association, the Experimental Aircraft Association, and the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. He serves as a panel attorney on the AOPA Legal Services Plan. Mr. Faruqui has been licensed to practice law in Florida since 2006, and graduated from Nova-Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center in 2005. He is an instrument-rated private pilot with experience in Cessna 172s and Cirrus SR-20s.
Mr. Faruqui has negotiated purchases, sales, and leases of a variety of aircraft ranging in size from four-seat piston-engined light aircraft to large corporate jets such as the Gulfstream 450. Mr. Faruqui negotiates state sales and use taxes, establishes and administers aircraft holding corporations, registers aircraft, and handles other aviation-related matters on behalf of clients. Mr. Faruqui has also represented aircrew in their defense when the Federal Aviation Administration seeks to suspend, revoke, amend or modify their licenses.
Mr. Faruqui has been a member of the Florida Bar Aviation Law Committee since 2010, and served as its Vice Chair for the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 terms. He also served as Chair for the 2016-2017 term.
Who would you want to see at an aviation networking luncheon?
Asked by: Mohammad Faruqui - Aviation Lawyer 1930 views General Aviation