David A Hatcher
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Questions Asked : 2 Answers provided : 11 Received Votes : 4
I am a retired Department of the Army Civilian Aircraft Flight Instructor. My primary duties were focused on evaluating the performance of two flight training contractors at the USA Aviation Center Fort Rucker AL. I conducted initial aircraft (B206=TH67)qualification, initial and recurrent instrument instructor qualification along with in-progress and final student pilot instrument evaluations. I also conducted in-progress and final evaluations of rated aviators attending the fixed wing qualification in C12 (BE200).
In 1992 I served on the Source Selection Evaluation Board for the US Army "New Training Helicopter" in which the Bell 206B3 was selected as the TH-67.
I am a graduate of the Army Aviation Safety Course and have performed as a Battalion level and airfield safety officer. I was President of a Aircraft Accident Investigation Board and served on other investigations.
I also taught in the classroom aerodynamics, meteorology, fundamentals of instruction, flight regulations, airspace, Terminal EnRoute Procedures, and Air Traffic Control.
I was on active duty for14 years, when I taught the initial entry Rotary Wing course, teaching US and allied students from many other countries. I taught the Refresher Course and the Instrument Flight Examiner Course. In the US Army Reserve (26 years) I was a unit instructor pilot instrument flight examiner and airplane pilot supporting the Operational Airlift Support Command.
I was a member of the Alabama Civil Air Patrol, a Squadron Commander, Search Mission Coordinator and Emergency Services Officer for the Wing. I was a SAR pilot in the C172/182, a graduate of the USCG/USAF Inland Search and Rescue School
I hold an Airline Transport Pilot, Rotorcraft Helicopter; Commercial Pilot Airplane Single and Multi Engine Land Instrument; Certified Flight Instructor Rotorcraft-Helicopter Instrument- Helicopter; Advanced Ground Instructor. 9500+ hours, Bell 47/204/205/206; AS350/F480; Hughes269/300; Schweizer 269D; Beechcraft 65/A90/200, Cessna 150,172,182, Piper 140/32/PASE.
I retired from the US Army Reserve as a CW4, Master Army Aviator, Dual Rated, Instructor Pilot, Instrument Flight Examiner, Aviation Safety Officer, Aircraft Accident Investigator.
I don't mince words. I have been to too many memorial services. I believe that ALL pilots regardless of their "ratings" must be self sufficient and a master of their craft. Knowledge and personal responsibility are essential. They must realize their limitations and know when to say NO.
Operation of Robinson Helicopters continued
Asked by: David A Hatcher 3775 views Flight Instructor, Helicopter
Operation of Robinson Helicopters
Asked by: David A Hatcher 5836 views Aircraft Systems, Helicopter