If induced drag is perpendicular to the wing, then…
Asked by: Drew 3686 views Aerodynamics
Why is Vso lower than Vs (why does extending flaps allow for a lower stalling speed)?
Asked by: Drew 4417 views General Aviation
What is the point of MOCA and when would you use it as opposed to the MEA?
Asked by: Drew 5567 views Airspace, Instrument Rating
If a feeder route direction is supposed to be a heading, how do you navigate in windy conditions?
Asked by: Drew 2837 views General Aviation
How does the wing that drops in an uncoordinated stall have a greater AoA?
Asked by: Drew 2857 views Aerodynamics
Are manifold pressure/prop settings same across most airplanes?
Asked by: Drew 3841 views Aircraft Systems, General Aviation
Is it true that left turning tendencies increase in ground effect?
Asked by: Drew 3472 views Aerodynamics
How to know whether you’re experiencing pre-ignition or detonation
Asked by: Drew 8534 views Aircraft Systems
NOTAMs not removed past its expiration date: are they still valid?
Asked by: Drew 4130 views General Aviation
Loss Comm Scenario: What Is Considered “Assigned” or “Expected” Altitude/Route?
Asked by: Drew 4515 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating
Does REIL count as ALS in accordance with 91.175?
Asked by: Drew 3224 views FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating