Alex Censor
Questions Asked : 6 Answers provided : 10 Received Votes : 2
Sport Pilot 350+ hours as of 2014. Add ~ 100 hours per year.
Own a Skyranger ELSA. If not familiar with it think of a ragwing version of a Kitfox (with even better short field capability).
Built and few hang glider in the 70's .
Got my certification at age 70.
Profession "Computer Doctor."
Aquired Technam SLSA P2004 Bravo 2015.
Skyranger is for Sale.
FAR 91.319, says Experimental can’t fly over densely populated areas. Yet they do all the time. Huh?
Asked by: Alex Censor 8481 views FAA Regulations
Would best glide ratio speed vary with total load in aircraft?
Asked by: Alex Censor 4574 views Aerodynamics
If a transponder has a blind altitude encoder how does ATC or flight following know the actual altitude?
Asked by: Alex Censor 11564 views General Aviation
Equipment of ELSA to get private pilot in it?
Asked by: Alex Censor 4914 views Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
optimal altitude for fuel/distance efficiency for for piston engine aircraft?
Asked by: Alex Censor 16304 views Aerodynamics
Why don’t commercial flights talk on same frequency as GA?
Asked by: Alex Censor 26534 views Private Pilot