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1 Answers

FEALX SID, KFLL. Accelerate to 250 knots

From the AIM: "Standard Instrument Departures are air traffic control (ATC) procedures printed for pilot/controller use in graphic form to provide obstruction clearance and a transition from the te...

Answered by: John D Collins 31 views

1 Answers

Soliciting Feedback on Radio Call at NTA

I would expect an airplane at 3000’ descending to join the pattern at the location mentioned. On the first, in the absence of an indication that the airplane is going to continue away from the airpo...

Answered by: Mark Kolber 705 views ,

3 Answers

IFR Equipped vs IFR Certified

You are allowed to file IFR while operating in VMC for training or certification purposes. Just comply with 91.205, 91.109, 91.311 & 91.413. You are responsible for avoiding any IMC, so don't le...

Answered by: Kris Kortokrax 1692 views

3 Answers

IFR Equipped vs IFR Certified

Another piece. 91.205 does *not* “imply it can be operated under IFR.” 91.205 says this is the minimum equipment any aircraft needs to operate under IFR. It does not mean there are not other requ...

Answered by: Mark Kolber 1692 views

3 Answers

IFR Equipped vs IFR Certified

CFR 91.9(a) says you may not operate an aircraft except by complying with the operating limitations specified in the AFM. So if it says in the Limitations section of the AFM that the aircraft is VFR ...

Answered by: David R 1692 views

3 Answers

IFR flight in non-IFR-certified aircraft

A related question: the TCDS fore an airplane (in this case an 8KCAB) is silent on certification for VFR or IFR: the AFM states "VFR-only"). It is equipped iaw 91.205(d) and flown by a current IFR-rat...

Answered by: Bruce Mamont 9008 views

2 Answers

Radio calls during power off 360 at NTA

I agree with vaflyer. Plain English, short, and understandable by a student pilot on their first solo. On that first call, I probably wouldn’t bother mentioning the forced landing part since most...

Answered by: Mark Kolber 1586 views , ,

2 Answers

Radio calls during power off 360 at NTA

I would suggest that when you were inbound to the airport you Announce that you are inbound for a simulated engine failure over the airfield. Then when you’re 3000 feet you announce you are at 3000 ...

Answered by: vaflyer 1586 views , ,

4 Answers

Emergency Descents

Where emergency descents are critical is more in type rated aircraft and others operating at high altitude, which fits in with what John wrote about the Bonanza having a specified procedure. What I've...

Answered by: KDS 2291 views

4 Answers

Emergency Descents

I understand the purpose of the bank angle to prevent/assist with wing loading during a descent. The ACS and AFH both state that said bank angle should be between 30-45 degrees, however there is no sp...

Answered by: Boxrdan 2291 views