Hopefull pilot with learning dissability in mathematics…
Asked by: Anon Mous 3937 views General Aviation
I have been eyeing agircultural piloting for several months now and just finished reading a book "so you want to be a crop duster".
I'm in my early 20's and I can say that I want to dedicate my whole life to this career (or should I say lifestyle!).
I'm left with 1 question. Since elementery, I remember I was given a special book to do my math from. The rest of the kids did the normal stuff. I'm in college now. finished a 1 1/2 year with a 3.0 GPA. I still struggle with math and don't think I can earn my degree because it's taken me 3 semesters to finish pre algebra 1. I still have to go through Pre algebra 2, 3, and then college algebra to earn my degree.
I live on my own, have over 50G's in the bank, and have decided to drop out of school, for now. I will pursue this career with a passion instead.
The question: Does becoming an agricultural pilot (going to school, getting license, etc) require any sort of mathematics? I can handle basic math, basic pre algebra, and geometry but nothing beyond. Could someone list or give me a link to sample tests just to see what else is waiting for me so that if theres something I need to improve on, I do so right now.
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