Radio calls during power off 360 at NTA
Asked by: Dutch 671 views Airspace, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation
I am a military T-6 (TEX2) instructor and occasionally fly simulated forced landing patterns at non-towered airfields. I typically arrive over the airfield/intended landing point 3,000’ AGL then fly a 360 degree steep descent to a short final. This maneuver is described in JO 7110.65 (PCG). I believe the civilian equivalent is the 360 degree power-off landing once required of commercial pilot candidates, and described in previous editions of the Airplane Flying Handbook. An example of my arrival radio call is “Smithville traffic, Texan 25, a military T-6, 10 miles west for simulated forced landing, runway 17, Smithville traffic.” My call overhead the field is “Smithville traffic, Texan 25, 3,000’ overhead, left simulated forced landing pattern, runway 17 Smithville traffic. I have also experimented substituting the overhead “simulated forced landing pattern” call with the following: 1. “descending for left traffic,” 2. “left descending spiral,” 3. “Left 360 degree power-off landing,” and our military call which we use at towered airfields, 4. “High key.” My base/final calls are similar to civilian calls.
My question is this: In your opinion, which of these overhead calls would best communicate with other pilots in the pattern? Also, I’m open to other suggested calls.
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