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2 Answers

crosswind pattern entry?

Asked by: 1604 views General Aviation

it is a common practice at the uncontrolled field I fly from for gliders to use a descending  1 nm+  crosswind  pattern entry, crossing over the runway extended centerline at the numbers and TPA. What  are the possible downsides to this entry for non-gliders and gliders alike?

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2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Aug 22, 2024

    The main guidance from the FAA in AC 90-66C doesn’t address using a crosswind pattern entry for gliders, but the general principle is that gliders should fly a pattern that is inside the powered aircraft pattern and is between 1000 and 600 feet AGL when in the downwind pattern. For powered aircraft, the recommended patterns from the upwind side show two options, both crossing the airport at the midfield point. The preferred option has the powered aircraft cross midfield at 500 feet above pattern altitude and then continuing about 2 NM outside the downwind leg of the pattern, then descending to pattern altitude, and finally doing a turn back to a point where a normal 45 degree entry to the pattern is accomplished. The alternate procedure is for powered aircraft to cross midfield at pattern altitude and directly join the downwind. That said, a glider arriving at the airport from the upwind side and following the basic principles would be best to avoid the powered aircraft pattern and remain inside the powered aircraft pattern. Flying the entry to the pattern by “crossing over the runway extended centerline at the numbers and TPA” seems to me to accomplish the main goals as it avoids the midfield cross overs of powered aircraft, avoids departing powered aircraft, and allows for a turn into the pattern while flying inside the powered aircraft pattern at an altitude between 600 and 1000 AGL.

    So I think it is a reasonable option.

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  2. Motor Glider on Aug 23, 2024


    Thanks so much for your detailed answer related to gliders using a x wind entry “over” the numbers.

    What about airplanes using a xwind “over the numbers” or a 45 entry to the upwind? the fact that they aren’t mentioned in The Airplane Flying Handbook and might not be expected are the only obvious reasons i can see for not using these. They are safer than an often used “straight in”. They do not require a descent (as the midfield tear drop does), where seeing /being seen with a mix of high/low ing aircraft are involved. It’s quicker than a tear drop and effectively it’s not much different than the case of a aircrfaft on a go around.


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