3 Answers
Sport pilot endorsements
Asked by: Gyouska90 972 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Light Sport Aircraft, Student Pilot
Hi all! I started training a sport pilot student and wanted to ask for some clarification to anyone who has done a sport pilot student before. I've been looking at the FAR AIM an think I understand the parts but of course they don't exactly spell it out in plain English.
- First question since my student pilot is a student pilot and not a "sport pilot"
yet all the pre solo and pre solo xcountry training requirements apply as normal under 61.87 and 61.93? - Next my student seeking a sport license is operating in a class D airspace so there looks to be 2 endorsements he needs in AC 61.65. Under 61.94 he needs one endorsement to operate in a specific airspace and a separate endorsement to operate a specific airport? also reading this 61.94 a 4 and 5 read must log ground and flight training within the 90-day period of going solo. can I assume these are recurring then? if I my students initial 90-day solo endorsement expires, and they need an additional 90-day endorsement under 61.87 p then they need these two endorsements under 61.94 to operate in Class D airspace and certain airport every 90 days as well? just want to make sure I understand these are recurring.
- also, since my student is a "student pilot" and not a "sport pilot" until passing the exam they don't need any of the endorsements under the sport pilot part regarding operating in airspace or operating an aircraft based on VH speed? or do they need these endorsements for solo as well. regarding 61.327 and 61.325? These endorsements don't apply until after their check ride?
Thanks in advance! just want to make sure I am interpreting these parts correctly!
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