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6 Answers

1 Day Medical

Asked by: 6272 views Light Sport Aircraft

I have been training lots of transitions pilots from private to sport pilot check-outs.  I just had a student tell me that one of his friends, a private pilot who only wishes to exercise sport pilot priveledges had a medical examiner write a class 3 medical for a 1 day expiration period.  That way he was qualified to fly as a sport pilot on a non-revoked medical.  Has anyone heard of this practice?

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6 Answers

  1. MaggotCFII on Feb 01, 2011

    No – not yet – but I did have the following for a 1 day medical:
    Had a Private who was unable to obtain a new 3rd Class due to vision issues.
    He did the review process, while we were working towards proficiency for a “SODA” ride with FSDO –  Oklahoma City issued him a 1 day medical which was good only on the day he did the “SODA” ride with the local FSDO.  If he passed the “SODA” he would be issued a good 3rd class, if he didn’t the issued 1 day medical was no longer valid, and I recall he had a 90 day window to get the FAA ride accomplished.
    That medcial was issued by Dr. Warren Silberman, chief of airmen certification for the FAA’s Aerospace Medical Certification office in Oklahoma City.
    As for any AME issuing a 1 day medical?  I’ll leave that for others!

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Feb 01, 2011

    So I’m dense? Why do you need a one day medical? If you can pass the medical why not have it run for the full term, it doesn’t make any difference if you’re exercising sport pilot privileges. If you can’t pass the medical then you shouldn’t be issued one, for 1 day or 360 days?

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  3. MaggotCFII on Feb 01, 2011

    Hi Matt:  for my guy, as I understood it, the 1 day Medical was so that the FAA Inspector could not/would not be the PIC for the SODA ride.

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  4. Kent Shook on Feb 02, 2011

    Wouldn’t the inspector have needed to be PIC anyway, since otherwise he’d be the student’s passenger?

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  5. MaggotCFII on Feb 02, 2011

    Hello Kent:
    Bit off topic here, but worth sharing the experience.  Perhaps some brave soul will start a question on this topic!
    The fellow (a very good person!) has a Private/Instruments and went monocular with his vision (lost use of an eye).
    Before speaking with us, he did a 3rd Class Med and failed the vision.
    Contacted the local FSDO and spoke with our FAASTeam manager for some direction.  A super nice guy.  A “white hat” (safety guy), not a “black hat” (enforcement guy).
    He pointed us to the FSIMS 8900.1 Publication, Vol 5, Ch 8, Section 1 for guidance on what would be expected on the SODA ride for a person with a visual defect. And gave us background on the 1 day medical process.  Here is a link for the FSIMS section:
    He further let me know that the Inspector would not/could not act as PIC.  Actually this would have been a Special Medical Test, a’ la checkride.  So, the inspector would the usual checkride passenger. 
    As I understood it, the FAA does allow DPE types to conduct some SODA tests – BUT (big but) not for the vision and a couple others.
    There is some good info on FAA.gov, Medical and several web sites that can be helpful in understanding this situation.
    The AME local and regional were really good and moving things along to “OK City” and the LOA letter of Authorization and 1 day medical were secured in about 2 months.
    For those folks that are not going to look at the FSIMS, here is what is required for the visual defect ride:
    “4)    Observe an applicant with a visual defect (one eye missing or one eye blind) demonstrate the following in an aircraft:
    ·    The ability to select emergency landing fields at a distance, from high altitude, and preferably over unfamiliar terrain.
    ·    The ability to simulate forced landings in difficult fields; note the manner of approach, rate of descent, and comparative distance at which obstructions (stumps, boulders, ditches, etc.) are recognized.
    ·    The ability to recognize other aircraft (which may be present by prearrangement) approaching at a collision course (particularly aircraft approaching from the far right or far left).
    ·    The ability to judge distances and to recognize landmarks (compared with the ASI’s estimate).
    ·    The ability to land the aircraft.
    ·    The ability to read aeronautical charts in flight and tune the radio to a predetermined station accurately and rapidly.
    ·    The ability to read instrument panels (including an overhead panel, if any) quickly and correctly.”
    Unfortunately, our outcome was not successful pre-soda.
    Did learn a great deal, both from the bureaucratic and flying/instructing areas.

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  6. Kent Shook on Feb 02, 2011

    Thanks for sharing – Very interesting! I had thought based on your previous post that it was a student pilot. This is great info, though. Too bad it didn’t work out. 🙁

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