My favorite question from Instrument checkride
Asked by: Roman Konyushenko 4062 views Instrument Rating
Here is question that I was asked on IR checkride. I found out correct answer but still has no full understanding why those answer was correct.,-81.9405670201315&chart=302&zoom=2
Case. You are flying southbond V521 on IFR flight plan in IMC with KFMY Page Field as destination. You was lucky with winds aloft and you are going 10 minutes before ETA.
Last part of your enroute clearance was "... QUNCY DCT" and last assigned ATC altitude was 9000. You just passed QUNCY and picked up KFMY weather (ATIS told you: "... ILS 5 in use...") when suddenly both you radios quit. All attempts to call ATC was failed. But you still have electric power and decided to set up 7600 on transponder: you got full comm fail.
The question is:
At what point and when you may start your descend from 9000?
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