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5 Answers

no medical – instruct?

Asked by: 1807 views FAA Regulations

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5 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Aug 31, 2018

    I presume he holds at least an Airplane, Single Engine – Land private pilot certificate.

    So Yes he can receive dual instruction as long as you act as PIC. The pilot may also log any time as PIC that he is the sole manipulator of the controls.

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  2. Jeff Nunan on Aug 31, 2018

    Thank you!

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  3. Mark Kolber on Sep 02, 2018

    One important addition. A CFI needs a medical when acting as PIC or as a required crewmember (says so right in 61.23). So, even if the trainee is acting as PIC, no hood work if the CFI has no medical.

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  4. Jeff Nunan on Sep 02, 2018

    My thanks to you and John for helping to clear up a murky area.

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  5. John D Collins on Sep 02, 2018


    I know you know this but for completeness, the exception is the case of the instructor holds a Basic Med under part 68. Part 61.23 has been amended to include:

    (c) Operations requiring either a medical certificate or U.S. driver’s license. (1) A person must hold and possess either a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter or a U.S. driver’s license when—

    (vi) Exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate and acting as the pilot in command or as a required flight crewmember if the flight is conducted under the conditions and limitations set forth in §61.113(i).

    So, an instructor with Basic Med may conduct the training, including safety pilot, so long as the instructor acts as PIC and the pilot and aircraft comply with the conditions listed in 61.113(i). I have listed them here for easy reference:

    (i) A private pilot may act as pilot in command of an aircraft without holding a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter provided the pilot holds a valid U.S. driver’s license, meets the requirements of §61.23(c)(3), and complies with this section and all of the following conditions and limitations:

    (1) The aircraft is authorized to carry not more than 6 occupants, has a maximum takeoff weight of not more than 6,000 pounds, and is operated with no more than five passengers on board; and

    (2) The flight, including each portion of the flight, is not carried out—

    (i) At an altitude that is more than 18,000 feet above mean sea level;

    (ii) Outside the United States unless authorized by the country in which the flight is conducted; or

    (iii) At an indicated airspeed exceeding 250 knots; and

    (3) The pilot has available in his or her logbook—

    (i) The completed medical examination checklist required under §68.7 of this chapter; and

    (ii) The certificate of course completion required under §61.23(c)(3).

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