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Asked by: 2396 views Instrument Rating

This is the link to the KPIE ILS 18


If I choose the fly the ILS18, I am pretty sure ATC will instruct me to descend 1700ft and then clear for ILS18. Now my question is FAF for ILS is 1500 and the bold line curves down toward the glideslope. While we can still intercept glideslope at 1700ft, is there specific reason why FAF is published at lower altitude like 1500ft ?



1 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Dec 17, 2016

    The 1500 foot minimum is for the segment between the IF at ZEPUM to CAPOK. It is also the GS intercept altitude. If one is performing the full ILS, after GS interception, the GS determines the minimum altitude, so crossing CAPOC, the GS is at 1460 feet, not 1500. If instead, you are flying the localizer version, the 1500 foot minimum applies until crossing CAPOC.

    Also, I don’t think your statement “I am pretty sure ATC will instruct me to descend 1700ft and then clear for ILS18” is correct, as 1700 is only used if you are cleared for the hold.

    The minimum crossing altitude for the localizer is set to 1500 feet to keep the descent gradient as low as feasible. At 1700 feet, it would be 373 feet/NM, whereas at 1500 feet it would require a gradient of 321 ft/NM. The desired gradient is 318 feet/NM.

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