Lower Pressure, Lower Altitude
Asked by: Ray Svobodny 3312 views Aircraft Systems, General Aviation, Weather
Question posted on http://www.boldmethod.com/blog/quizzes/2016/09/systems-questions-are-easy-or-not/
Q. You're sitting on the ramp, your altimeter is set to 30.47" Hg, and it reads 1500 feet. You pick up ATIS, and the latest altimeter setting is 29.97". You enter the setting on your altimeter. What elevation does it read now?
A. When you dial the Kollsman window to a lower Hg setting, the altimeter will decrease altitude. Since you're reducing it by 0.5 in Hg, it will decrease 500'.
Pressure decreases as altitude increases, why doesn’t the altimeter increase & read 2,000'? Thank you for help understanding the logic.
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