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3 Answers

MEI / ME Requirements

Asked by: 14815 views , ,
Flight Instructor

  • Whats the min. requirements for a ME Class Checkride / Practical. What does the MEI need to do and check?
  • Whats the requirements/ recency as a MEI to instruct/teach on a ME?
  • After 24 months without a Flight review on a ME, can a MEI do the FR or does it need to be DPE
  • If the ME ACFT has only one flight control on the left side, can the MEI give instruction?
  • Can I pass a MEI on an Amphib ME?
  • Any differences between part 141 and 61?
  • Sometimes I see the req. of 3hrs within 60 days before a practical? Is this only for part 141?

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3 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 27, 2015

    Whats the min. requirements for a ME Class Checkride / Practical. What does the MEI need to do and check?

    The training required depends on whether it is an additional rating or not. If you already hold a Single Engine rating at the certification level sought, you just train to proficiency under 61.63. If it is an initial rating, you need to complete the training specified in 61.109 or 61.129, as appropriate.

    Whats the requirements/ recency as a MEI to instruct/teach on a ME?

    You need to have at least 5 hours of PIC time in make and model per 61.195(f). As far as recency of experience goes, you would just need 3 takeoffs and landings in the last 90 days in order to act as PIC. Technically, the recency of experience is not necessary to fly with a student. This was stated in a legal interpretation I received in 2006 and was clarified in a legal interpretation to Roger Schaffner in 2014.

    After 24 months without a Flight review on a ME, can a MEI do the FR or does it need to be DPE

    Flight reviews are not category/class specific. You only need a flight review in one aircraft you are qualified to fly. If you have a flight review in a single engine land airplane, you are OK to fly a multi-engine airplane. There are certain exceptions. Special FAR 73 does require a flight review in a Robinson R-22 and a separate flight review in a Robinson R-44.

    If the ME ACFT has only one flight control on the left side, can the MEI give instruction?

    14 CFR 91.109(a) requires dual controls, unless only instrument instruction is being given.

    Can I pass a MEI on an Amphib ME?

    Yes, if you are prepared, Seriously, there are no land or sea classes on a Flight Instructor certificate. If you were to use an amphibious multi engine airplane for the practical, you probably would need to determine which set of tasks you were going to perform, land or sea.

    Any differences between part 141 and 61?

    With regards to what?

    Sometimes I see the req. of 3hrs within 60 days before a practical? Is this only for part 141?

    14 CFR 61.39 (a)(6) always requires that you have had some instruction within the preceding 2 calendar months. Some regulations such as 61.109 and 61.129 state a specific requirement for 3 hours in the previous 2 calendar months. Whatever the regulation requires, is what must be done.

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  2. William Brynjo on Nov 28, 2015

    Whats the requirements/ recency as a MEI to instruct/teach on a ME?

    You need to have at least 5 hours of PIC time in make and model per 61.195(f).

    Per 61.195(f) the 5 hours in make and model is only needed if required for the issuance of a certificate or rating. So an MEI could give instruction in a Multi engine aircraft for an insurance checkout, flight review, or IPC without having 5 hours in make or model.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 30, 2015

    While the regulation may allow it, the pilot’s insurance company might have other ideas. They will want you to have had some experience in a given airplane if you are going to provide an insurance checkout.

    Also, just because something might not be contrary to regulation, doesn’t mean it is a good idea. If your multi-engine experience was acquired in something like a Seminole or Duchess, it would not be the best idea for you to jump into a Navajo or Cessna 421 or King Air and attempt to provide any meaningful instruction.

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