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File Pireps Via Text Message?

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Is it possible to file a pirep (pilot report on flight conditions) via text message? This would be efficient because the pirep could be carefully composed in proper format and transmitted while in flight -- but without having to get ATC permission to change frequencies, find the nearest flight service frequency, etc. I find that, even flying at 8000 feet, text messages transmit within a few minutes, as soon as we pass near enough to a cell tower on the ground.  Signal strength at altitude is not good enough for phone calls or email, but text messages will slip through.

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2 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Oct 04, 2015

    Paragraph 7-1-20 of the AIM states:

    “PIREPs should be given to the ground facility with which communications are established; i.e., EFAS, FSS, ARTCC, or terminal ATC. ” Although EFAS is going away, this means that you don’t need to ask permission to change frequencies and you don’t need to be bothered by looking up a different frequency.

    Who is going to be looking outside for any conflicting traffic while you are busy typing your PIREP into your phone and struggling with auto-correct altering your input?

    I don’t think I would want a PIREP system that could be fed by any 10 year old with a cell phone. How would your system discriminate between legitimate PIREPs and those submitted by those with less than honorable intentions?

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  2. Mark Kolber on Oct 04, 2015

    Kris’ point about 10 year olds is well-taken. In fact, it has already happened with another FAA function. When the Pilots Bill of Rights was passed, the FAA set up a special email address for pilots under investigation to use to request air traffic data about the alleged violation. It soon became used for other things and the FAA removed it.

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