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3 Answers

Advisory in effect

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Commercial Pilot, General Aviation

Here comes new question in flight plan -
"windshear advisory in effect", "brake action advisory in effect".
Does it mean
1) that it's a warning msg in flight plan for estimated windshear /brake action which will occur, or 
2) any pilot who encounter windshear / brake action situations  shall report to ATC and share this informaiton immediately?

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3 Answers

  1. Wesley Beard on Dec 06, 2010

    Those terms simply mean that conditions are such that a windshear event or poor braking event isn’t unexpected or surprising.  It does not mean that you are 100% guaranteed to experience that event but that there is a higher probability of it happenning.  If you encounter one of these event, whether the advisory is in effect or not, I would report it to ATC at the earliest convenience. 

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  2. Scott on Dec 06, 2010

    Ok, I’ll layout the conditions that are supossed to have happened that promt those two advisories to go on the ATIS.
    Braking Action Advisories in Effect: This will go onto the ATIS when: an aircraft has reported a braking action as less than good(Fair, Poor, Nil). It will also go on the ATIS when the airport has run friction measuring devices on the runway and a friction coefficient(Mu) is less than 40 (really .40 if you want to be competely correct). This tells you to use caution when braking on the surface since there’s something, usually snow/ice, that will make your efforts to slow down, less effective.
    Low Level Wind shear advisories. These are put on the ATIS when an aircraft reports a gain/loss of airspeed of 10 kts or greater. Certain Towers also have wind shear detection equipment, that can also give alerts that will force this advisory onto the ATIS. A similar alert would be on the ATIS if the tower systems detected a Microburst near the airport and it’d be a Microburst Alert.

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  3. Gerard Peterson on Dec 08, 2010

    Experience tells me that any advisory in effect basically suggests that wind shear activity and less than desirable braking action has been detected in the area and that you as a pilot are advised to be aware that your flight may be affected and should be on alert for both.  If you encounter either or both; it is advisable that you contact ATC when you are able.

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