Safety Pilot on IFR Flight Plan
Asked by: N4AC 5342 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
I am planning a cross-country flight, and hoping someone could confirm the legality of logging time under the given situation. To start, I am an instrument rated private pilot (IFR Current), and I will be flying with a NON-instrument rated private pilot. We will be flying our club's Cessna 182, which we are both checked out in and hold High Performance Endorsements. The plan is to split the trip, so myself and the other member can both log time and split operating costs, since we are both owners of the airplane. The other member is seeking an instrument rating under part 61 (I received mine part 141), so this is a chance for him to obtain XC and simulated instrument time. I understand that there should be no problem with him flying one leg left seat under the hood (operating as a VFR aircraft, of course), while I act as safety pilot. However, my concern lies in the return leg when I would fly left seat. In order for the other member to log time as a safety pilot, I would plan to fly my leg under the hood (though I don't need any simulated instrument time). Being instrument rated, if I were to file and operate the flight as an IFR aircraft, provided we are in VMC, could the other member still act as safety pilot? In addition, in regards to the entire flight, are we eligible to log XC time as safety pilots, or are we only able to log PIC and total time?
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