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5 Answers

IFR takeoff minimums

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I am confused about this. The T section in the approach charts talks clearly about takeoff mins being "Aircraft having 2 or less engines, 1SM visibility...". Yet I thought I heard people say, if you are flying part 91 there are NO takeoff minimums. Whats the real story? (Not that my personal mins would say go, but from a regs perspective).

5 Answers

  1. Kent Shook on Oct 06, 2010

    14 CFR 91.175(f) specifically says:

    “(f) Civil airport takeoff minimums. This paragraph applies to persons operating an aircraft under part 121, 125, 129, or 135 of this chapter.”

    However, a friend of mine who actually flies flight check for the FAA says, “Rocks don’t care what part of the FAR’s you’re flying under.” Wise words, indeed.

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  2. Chris Findley on Oct 06, 2010

    Right… Part 91 officially has no takeoff minimums One rule of thumb is to use the approach minimums for the field you are departing as your takeoff minimums.  So if the approach mins call for 1475 and 1.5 miles (or whatever) you have at least something to go on and high enough minimums to get back into the field should you need to make a hasty return. 

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  3. Matthew Beyer on Oct 07, 2010

    Thanks, Got it now. So I could read it this way:
    – The T section in the Terminal Procedures says “See part 91 (Under certain operations) and oh by the way you are going to read it to say 1SM but only for those operations, go read them”
    – Then you go read them in the 91.175(f) and it says, those special operations are under 121,125,129,135 and you must have 1SM (2 engine or less).
    – Then it implies, “OTHERWISE do whatever you want, no minimums”.
    I see how the wording works now, it would be really helpful for them to have said “Otherwise there are NO minimums”.
    I do like the suggestions of TO mins be at or above approach mins.
    Thanks again team.

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  4. Christopher Ryan on Sep 08, 2011

    part 91.175
    (f) Civil airport takeoff minimums. This paragraph applies to persons operating an aircraft under part 121, 125, 129, or 135 of this chapter. (1) Unless otherwise authorized by the FAA, no pilot may takeoff from a civil airport under IFR unless the weather conditions at time of takeoff are at or above the weather minimums for IFR takeoff prescribed for that airport under part 97 of this chapter.
    (2) If takeoff weather minimums are not prescribed under part 97 of this chapter for a particular airport, the following weather minimums apply to takeoffs under IFR: (i) For aircraft, other than helicopters, having two engines or less–1 statute mile visibility. (ii) For aircraft having more than two engines–1/2 statute mile visibility.

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  5. Jimmy g on Mar 22, 2014

    Retired 121 pilot …..before during or after your career get help if you have ANY problems The best thing I ever did

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