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Can you log SIC time in a single pilot airplane?

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FAA Regulations

How can you log SIC time on an airplane that’s certified for single pilot operations?

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5 Answers

  1. Joblio on Jul 27, 2010

    From my understanding, you can only log it when the Ops Specs (Operational Specifications) of the carrier require two pilots, even if the airplane is certified for one pilot. For example, if the Ops Specs allow lower take-off and landing minima with two pilots, then the second pilot is required and the SIC can log the time.

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  2. Paul on Jul 27, 2010

    Single pilot operations can get pretty tricky. As Jobio said it depends on the op specs of the carrier (if flown under part 121 or part 135). I’d like to add that it also depends on the certification of the aircraft and qualifications of PIC, even under Part 91 (general operations)

    Here’s an example.

    I fly a Beechcraft Premier which is certified for single pilot operations. However, there are a couple different scenarios even in this aircraft.

    For instance, the pilot-in-command can have two different type ratings. If the PIC has a crew rating in the Premier, which requires a SIC, then obviously a SIC is required and can log the time.

    The PIC can also have a Premier Single Pilot type rating (RA380S) which means under part 91 operations a SIC is not a required crewmember and my interpretation is that the SIC is not allowed to log this time. This is quite a gray area though, and you will find some FAA examiners who say otherwise….

    Here is another scenario. If the captain has a Premier Single Pilot type rating, but is flying on a part 135 carrier whose operation specifications require 2 pilots, then again, a SIC is required and is allowed to log the time.

    So, you have to take a look at both the rules the aircraft is flying under (part 91, 121, 135) the type of aircraft AND the qualifications of the crew flying. You can log SIC time even in a Cessna 172 when the SIC becomes a required crewmember (as in flying with a safety pilot).

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  3. Wesley Beard on Nov 11, 2010

    You can legally log SIC time anytime you are required crew member but are not the legal PIC of the flight.  This goes back to the logging of PIC topic. 
    For example, if you are acting as a safety pilot who is the legal PIC of the airplane?  If the safety pilot logs PIC time in accordance with the regs (meaning he is the legal PIC of the flight) and an accident occurs; he is legally responsible for the accident.  You might say in that instance, I wouldn’t log PIC time.  Ok, what about all the previous flight indicating you were the legal PIC of the flight while acting as a safety pilot?
    You are allowed to log SIC time anytime you are required to be onboard per the regulations and are not logging PIC times (legal PIC, sole manipulator of the controls, etc…)

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  4. SkyBoy98046 on Jan 15, 2011

    You cannot log SIC time in a single pilot aircraft or operation. OpSpec C079 which require a second pilot only applies for the instance where the visibility is at the lower limits in the OpSpec. This very question was addressed by the FAA in Oct. 2010 at the completetion of a investigation of a time building program at Key Lime Air. Pilots were logging SIC flight time while flying cargo. The FAA said ‘no’, regardless of the OpSpec mentioned. They referred to a FAA legal opinion written in March 2000 by Daniel Byrne, FAA Assistance Chief Counsel. The logging of SIC time is improper. The rule of thumb is, if the flight can occur with one pilot, then even if legal to fly an SIC, the SIC cannot log any of the time. Even if he/she flies the aircraft. So, sorry, you cannot log any time.

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  5. Kent Shook on Jan 15, 2011

    You *can* log SIC time in a single pilot aircraft, IF the aircraft is being used in an operation that requires two pilots by “regulations under which the flight is being conducted” (61.51(f)(2), second half). For example, two pilots in a Cessna 172 – One is under the hood and is the PIC (due to pre-flight agreement), the safety pilot is required by 91.109(b)(1) and thus the safety pilot could log SIC for the time that the other pilot is under the hood.
    Another example would be a Part 135 IFR operation where the autopilot was inop – second pilot required by regulation, but not necessarily by the aircraft’s type certificate. Certain carriers may have OpSpecs that meet the requirement as well. So it’s not correct to say that “you cannot log SIC time in a single pilot aircraft.” You are correct, though, that if the flight can be legally conducted with only one pilot, no SIC is necessary and thus nobody but the PIC can log anything unless dual instruction is occurring.

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