Commercial Pilot Aeronautical Experience Logbook Entries
Asked by: Jeff B. 6688 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
My question relates to some that have already been asked with regard to 61.129 flight experience requirements. I am an Instrument Rated Private Pilot ASEL with just shy of 250 hours TT. Without copying the requirements of 61.129(a)(3) here, I would like to know if my Instrument training time may be counted towards the Commercial Certificate, and if my CFI may add the 61.129 notation to my logbook for flights almost a year ago.
I earned the Instrument Rating as a Part 141 student, and have since been building time for the Commercial Certificate under part 61.
It is my understanding that 61.129 used to make mention that the XC time be done "under VFR" ( This requirement has since been removed.
This AOPA site and the LOI linked below make it seem possible.
Can I ask my CFII to enter "Satisfies 61.129(a)(3)" in my logbook for XC and hood time while training for the IR, and apply it towards Commercial experience?
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