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Adverse Yaw

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Please explain in simple terms "how is adverse yaw produced?"


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5 Answers

  1. Shea on Mar 16, 2013

    Adverse yaw is produced when you start a turn. For example if you want to turn your airplane to the right. The right aileron goes up producing less lift and less induced drag with it. The left aileron goes down producing more lift and more induced drag with it. These two actions happen at the same time when you first start your right turn. This causes the airplane to roll to the right and yaw to the left when you first start turning.

    A little right rudder early on can almost eliminate any adverse yaw. Hope this helps. Ask more if you need any clarification.

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  2. nine on Mar 17, 2013

    regarding this topic, i would like to clarify about “induced drag”

    when one wing’s aileron is lowered into the relative wind, the upper camber section of that wing is increased. thus pressure over the wing is decreased further more (venturi tube effect), resulting in greater pressure differentials… generating greater wing tip vortices… resulting in greater “induced drag”.

    am i correct?

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  3. Brian on Mar 18, 2013

    –“when you first start turning.”

    Not just when you start. Adverse yaw exists anytime a rolling moment (or change in bank angle) exists.

    –“am I correct?”

    Yes. The rising wings upper camber increases and the opposite wings camber decreases. Either this explanation or the one Shea gives regarding an AOA change on the section of the wing where the ailerons are present will suffice. Each explanation tells the same story and draws the same conclusion.

    Just think rudder is slave to the ailerons or the rudder pulls the ailerons. In other words, when making an aileron input that results in a changing bank angle you need to subsequently apply rudder to remain coordinated. Stop banking..no more rudder. Bank out of the turn..rudder again.

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  4. nine on Mar 18, 2013

    Hey Brian,

    The correct way to put it with regards to “upper camber increases” would be:

    the distance between the chord line and the mean camber line is increased when the ailerons deflects downwards. therefore the camber (curvature) is increased. this also applies to flaps.

    Quote from nasa.gov page: “The maximum distance between the two lines is called the camber”
    source : http://wright.nasa.gov/airplane/geom.html

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  5. Brian on Mar 18, 2013

    –“The correct way to put it..”

    Did I say something contrary?

    By the way careful what you read on that NASA site. Its a great resource but it’s highly subjective. In this case how you define camber relies on how you define chord. Usually chord is defined independent of flap or aileron inputs. In which case camber and AOA remain unchanged.

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